Friday, August 22, 2014

Genesis 3:7

"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves." Genesis 3:7

The Qbible translates "coverings" as "aprons" or "belts."  So the coverings that the first couple made only covered the bottom.  I can't help but wonder how they sewed the fig leaves doesn't sound like that would make very comfortable clothes or that it would stay together very well.

Of course the more important thing to take from this verse is that they received the knowledge that they were naked.  As pointed out on FGGAM the first thing they did with their knowledge was cover it up.  Can you imagine?  They were tempted by knowledge and then the knowledge immediately reveals what they're doing wrong.  Not only did they disobey God's only command for them, but what was gained from that was the knowledge of their own failures.

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