Friday, May 17, 2013

Genesis 1:8

"God called the expanse 'sky.'  And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day."  Genesis 1:8 (NIV)

So here God is naming the expanse between the atmosphere and the oceans sky.  And here the second day ends.  Again, it's evening and then morning.

Answers in Genesis summarizes the creation of the atmosphere this way, "Genesis 1 is perfectly worded for what the author wanted to communicate.  It says nothing more than God created the sky and its constituent elements, while remaining completely silent about what those elements were.  It really depends upon where one starts:  if one starts with the presumption of a solid dome, one will read that into the text.  However, if one starts with a modern conception of sky, the text permits that understanding as well, and, hence, there is no contradiction."

1 comment:

  1. Answers in Genesis entirely misses the binary framework of Genesis 1 where we are told that the Spirit/Breath/Wind of Creator God separated the waters/firmament above from the waters/firmament below; the dry land from the seas; the night from the day, etc.
