Saturday, June 22, 2013

Genesis 1:13

"And there was evening, and there was morning-the third day."  Genesis 1:13 (NIV)

The third day of creation has completed.  This is pretty straight forward, with no arguments about the way this verse is translated.  The only question is the same as the first two days.  Is this a literal 24 hour day?  If God is all-powerful I don't see why it couldn't be.  Why use the word "day" if you don't mean it was a day? 

Either way, it doesn't deny what God created.  It's not something that we should allow to divide us-it's not a salvation issue.  None of us are going to be 100% correct on every issue.  Things that I get wrong, someone else will get right, but we've got to discern which issues are important enough to argue over and which one's we can let go of and allow room for differences. 

Having gone off on my little rant, I do believe that this was a 24 hour day, that just shows God's power.  Not only did he create something from nothing, but he created it in only a 24 hour time span.  However, as I've heard others put so well, if when I get to heaven and God corrects me on my errors, I'm not going to refuse to go in.

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