Thursday, April 2, 2015

Genesis 3:16

"To the woman he said, 'I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children.  Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.'" Genesis 3:16

God didn't tell the woman she was cursed like he did the serpent in the previous verse.  Is this just punishment or is this a curse also.  I heard someone say that recently that God only cursed two things in that passage, the serpent and  the ground.  Increased childbearing pain sounds like a curse to me.

In the Qbible the first "pains" can also be translated as "labor" or "worrisomeness" while the second one is a different word but still can be translated as "hurt," "offense," or "toil."  Either way it's not going to be fun.  And not only that, but the husband woman will long for, will rule over her.

Is this setting up the roles of men and women?  Is this a viable argument for the traditional roles with men as leaders in the family, in church, or in the rest of life?  Was God saying women will have the tendency to bow to the man in their lives and do his wishes?  Was all of this really not a curse?

It is interesting that a husband will rule over his wife when the first man just went along with his wife when she ate of the forbidden fruit and gave him a piece also.  Was God telling him to grow a backbone and stand up even against his wife when he knows she's wrong?

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