Sunday, April 22, 2018

Genesis 7:2

"'Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate,'" Genesis 7:2

God is giving Noah details on how many animals of each kind to take.  Is this seven pairs of each clean animal?  Because otherwise that leaves one animal without a mate.  Maybe the extras are female so as to reproduce faster.  Ark Encounter presents arguments for translating this as seven pairs or as seven animals.  The Hebrew text literally states "seven seven" which is an odd way of saying either seven or fourteen.

Seven animals could point back to the pattern God has already established in creation week, with six days of work and one holy day where he rested.  While "seven seven, a male and his female" could just be an unusual way of saying seven pairs.  With the limited data we are provided and not being fluent in Hebrew, but relying on others definitions, I find myself leaning more towards it referring to seven animals.

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