Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Genesis 7:7

"And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood."  Genesis 7:7

Now Noah and his family are seeing the physical benefit to obeying God.  The ark is the way of their salvation from the floodwaters that are destroying everything they know. 

Some times we don't understand how obeying God will help in a situation until years later when the crisis hits and salvation comes from our previous obedience.  We may not hear a voice giving us instruction like Noah did.  So how do we listen for his instructions to know what to do?  Is reading and studying the Bible enough?  If we pray will we hear a voice reply? 

Why did God seem to talk to the people of the old testament with an audible voice, but seem silent now?  Maybe he didn't talk to everyone.  Did any of Noah's family hear God or did they just know what Noah told them?

God, however you choose to talk to me, please open my ears and mind so that I can hear and comprehend your words.  Amen.

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