Monday, August 21, 2017

Genesis 6:6

"The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart filled with pain."  Genesis 6:6

The Qbible translates that God wasn't just grieved by man's evilness, he also regretted ever creating man.  In his article Genesis 6:  Does God Make Mistakes? Morgen Kriedemann points out that God is not regretting a mistake he made, but rather the failings of mankind.  He is sad to see the choices man has made and continued to make.  It had gotten so bad and dangerous that he had to step in to protect the few believers still on the earth.

Just like verse 5 before, the word translated to heart can also be translated as inner most being or center.  God was so grieved, he was pained to very core.  Today God still sees the choices we make, the actions we take, and our inner most thoughts.  What does he think of them?  Are we, like those early men before us, grieving him so deeply that his heart is filled with pain?  Or is he pleased with the choices his creation is making?  I wish I could think the latter, but I fear he's probably grieving for us. 

What can we do to change that?  We can't control other people's thoughts or decisions, but we can control our own.  Maybe something I do or say will at least cause someone else to think about it and re-examine their own life.  A waterfall begins with one drop of water.

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