Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Genesis 6:11

"Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence."  Genesis 6:11

So we have Noah with his three sons living in a time of corruption and violence just running rampant across the entire world and he was still called a righteous man.  That takes a lot of fortitude.  How many times did Noah have to resist the temptation to repay the evil he received with more evil?  How many times did he see victims he tried to help only to have the victims turn around and commit the same crimes and sins committed against them on others?  How many times did he despair and almost loose all hope?  How many times was he tempted to give in and give up on God and follow the example of his peers around him?

But he didn't.  Noah remained a righteous man, walking continually with God.  If Noah could do it with nothing but evil around him, why can't I when there are good influences around me?

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