Friday, July 12, 2013

Genesis 1:16

"God made two great lights-the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night.  He also made the stars." Genesis 1:16 (NIV)

These "lights" are translated as "luminous bodies" in QBible.  So this verse is expounding on what lights God created in verse 14 and 15.  "Luminous bodies" does seem more accurate for the moon since it doesn't actually produce it's own light, but simply reflects light from the sun back at us.

Of course, we don't just see the moon at night.  There are times it is clear for us to see during the daylight hours.  If it rules the night, why is it out during the day?

Well, my theory here might be shaky, but I'm going to throw it out anyway.  Steven P. Wickerstrom compares the job of the moon to our job as Christians:  to reflect the light.  The moon reflects the sun's light and we should reflect Jesus.  Life can be hard, and sometimes we need to retreat from the world and immerse ourselves in Jesus's light, teachings, love, everything...  Perhaps, the moon is demonstrating this for us by taking time away from reflecting light to us during the night and soaking up as much sunlight as it can so that it can keep going.

It could also just be that God  says the moon rules the night simply because when it does show up for the party, it's the biggest, brightest light in the night sky.  After all, the king is the ruler of the country even when he's not there.  He might be out traveling on a diplomatic mission or just for the fun of it and he's not going to suddenly stop ruling the country just because he crossed the border.  If there's any other reason the ruling light of the night sky skips out on the nights I haven't found it, but  these theories make sense to me. 


  1. Interesting thoughts about the moon, especially about soaking up extra light when life is especially tough. I think that's very true. :)

    I thought the last paragraph had interesting points too, especially about the king still being king when he's not in the country...that's got my mind going, just not sure where I'm going yet. ;) I think God puts some analogies out there for us in the physical world, but it seems to me like He also lets them be limited, maybe just for practical, world-designing reasons. I don't know enough about the moon, dang it.... Sorry I said so much, but you know me--can't ever say just one sentence. :P

  2. I don't know enough about the moon either, but I don't especially have tons of time just to research the moon. But I also don't think God needs us to all be experts on everything, just to follow him to the best of our abilities. I am glad you like my analogy though.
