Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Genesis 3:11

"And he said, 'Who told you that you were naked?  Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?'"  Genesis 3:11

Now God is calling man out on his sin.  Here's the chance to step up and fully admit, "Yes, God, I'm sorry I did what you told me not to."  It's a hard thing to do, to admit fault.  As Gill points out in his commentary the other question God is asking is "What have you done to make you feel this shame and guilt?" 

God wants us to admit our sins.  Are you ready to admit your sins to God?  Sometimes that's not even the hardest part.  Sometimes even when we know we're doing wrong it's hard to let go and stop sinning.  Even intellectually knowing that our lives would be better without the sin doesn't make it any easier to get out of it.  I pray that God will forgive us of even these sins and he will give us the strength to get away from them.

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