Saturday, February 13, 2021

Genesis 7:21

“Every living thing that moved on land perished – birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, an all mankind.” Genesis 7:21

Nothing that lived on land survived the flood.  Every animal faced the consequences of the corruption of the earth – not just mankind.  As Genesis 6:12 states all the people had perverted their ways and the whole earth had become corrupt, so God was washing it all away.

I pray that when God looks down on me he don’t think I am the same – that even my inner most thoughts are only evil.  I pray that I never get to the point that I am so callous that that wouldn’t bother me.  I don’t do enough – my faith isn’t strong enough, but I pray that he gives me strength and guides my steps. 

Please, Lord, lead me down your paths that I might fully reflect your glory and light to everyone around me.  I pray that I always show you the honor and praise that you fully deserve.  Please have mercy on me when I do not meet your expectations and forgive me when my heart is not right.  Thank you for all the myriad of blessings you have granted me, I hope that I please you with how I handle and use them.  Thank you for your great love that you did save me even though I do not deserve it and there is nothing I can ever do to deserve.  Thank you.  In all thing may your will be done.  Amen.

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