Monday, February 22, 2021

Genesis 8:1

"But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded."  Genesis 8:1

God did not forget about Noah and just leave him to rot in the ark.  He didn't say, "Alright, I saved you from the flood, now you're on your own."  He remembered Noah and the struggles he was going through.

According to the QBible the word for "remembered" doesn't have to just mean to mentally recall, but it can also mean to "mention" or "record."  This is particularly interesting to me as the scriptures have already made several notes of God speaking out his thoughts.  In the first chapter of Genesis he speaks creation into existence, including mankind as he says in 1:26 "Let us make man in our image."  In 2:18 he notes that it wasn't good for man to be alone and created woman and in 3:22 God talks of how man has become like God, knowing good and evil.  Again in 6:3, he states that he will not put up with man forever.  Now he is bringing to mind, whether verbally or just to his own mental thoughts, Noah and all the living things with him in the ark.
There seems to be a clear theme of the power of God's spoken word, and now Noah was not just a passing thought, but God deliberately brought him to mind and remembered Noah.  And then he sent a wind over the earth to decrease the flood waters.

The word for wind can also be translated as breath or spirit.  Maybe the wind is God's breath or maybe it was a spirit he sent or maybe it was all three.  I don't know, but what is clear is that God sent it and while the scripture doesn't outright say that the wind caused the waters to go down - that does seem to be the clear implication.  God sent a wind or a spirit or just breathed over the waters and then the waters receded.

How great it is to think that God will remember us in times of trials or struggles and he will send relief!

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