Saturday, February 20, 2021

Genesis 7:24

“The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.”  Genesis 7:24

From verse 12, we know that it rained for 40 days and nights, but verse 11 also tells us that the springs of the deep burst forth.  Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible states that "the waters either grew higher and higher, or rather continued to prevail, and did not decrease."

I would assume that this verse is referring to those deep springs.  From those the water kept coming and flooding the earth for 150 days.  That's about 5 months.  Not even your best swimmers could last 5 months.

The Gregg Hunter from the Fort Howard Community Church compares Noah and his family's flood-enforced quarantine and isolation to today's pandemic.  He goes on to the next few verses to remind us that God did not forget about Noah in that time.  Let us also know that God will not forget about us.  This pandemic will pass and before we know it, it will only be a memory.

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